Irrigation Services
Tired of watering your plants by hand, want a more efficient way! Add in some irrigation. It will help keep you plants and lawn healthy, by putting the correct amount of water down when needed.
Be it a full system, or a zone addition to an existing system. We can help you out on all your watering needs.
We are an IIABC Certified Irrigation Installer
From a broken head, cracked line, or a faulty timer. We are experienced in fixing all sorts off issues.
We also provide valve locating services. With the use of of wire tracer, we can find valves lost to time under turf, mulch or gravel.
We offer a Spring startup and seasonal maintenance program.
Even if you have drained some water out of the system, the remaining water can freeze, expand and crack the PVC piping (rigid, white pipe), usually from fitting to fitting. Polyethylene pipe (flexible, black pipe) is used in many freezing climates. Although polyethylene pipe is more flexible and can expand under pressure, water left inside could freeze and rupture the pipe walls. Freezing water in the backflow assembly will damage the internal components and could possibly crack the brass body.
To minimize the risk of freeze damage to your irrigation system, you'll need to "winterize" your irrigation system.
We conduct our winterizing in mid October every year. So book by end of September to get on our list